RouteNote Review


RouteNote offers a free and user-friendly platform for artists to distribute their music on major streaming services like iTunes and Spotify.

You won’t face upfront costs, and the revenue sharing model lets you keep 85% of your earnings. Initial submissions are typically approved in 1-2 days, though delays can happen based on the platform.

While RouteNote excels in speed and ease of use, customer service struggles with responsiveness and payment issues.

If you’re curious about handling these challenges and maximizing your distribution experience, there’s more to discover. And check out our buyer’s guide on the best places to release music online with.

Music Service Options

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RouteNote offers free music distribution services for aspiring artists, allowing them to release tracks on various streaming platforms such as iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify without any upfront costs. This approach enables artists to focus on their art without the burden of initial fees.

Their system is user-friendly – you submit your music, and RouteNote manages the distribution process, supporting various formats and genres to ensure your work reaches the right audience. The moderation process typically takes 1-2 days for initial submissions, although timelines with retail partners may vary.

Revenue Sharing Model

When you distribute your music through RouteNote, they implement a revenue sharing model where they take 15% of the earnings generated from your tracks. This means that for every dollar your music earns on streaming services like Spotify, iTunes, and Amazon, RouteNote keeps 15 cents, and you keep the remaining 85 cents. It’s a straightforward approach that allows artists to release their music without any upfront costs, making it accessible even if you’re just starting out.

RouteNote’s revenue sharing model aligns with industry standards, where aggregators provide the infrastructure for music distribution and take a cut of the earnings. This model benefits artists by eliminating the financial barrier to entry, while still providing a wide range of distribution options. By choosing services like Spotify and Amazon, you can maximize your exposure and revenue potential.

Streaming services pay artists per play, and RouteNote’s revenue sharing model guarantees you receive your share of those payments. This model is particularly advantageous for emerging artists who mightn’t have the resources to pay upfront fees. With RouteNote, you can focus on creating music while they handle the distribution and revenue management.

Approval Process

RouteNote’s endorsement process is efficient, typically taking only 1-2 days for initial submissions to undergo moderation. When you submit your music online to RouteNote, you can anticipate the initial moderation process to be handled promptly. This quick turnaround means that within 24 hours, your music is usually reviewed and on its way to being distributed.

However, keep in mind that the moderation process can vary slightly depending on the retail partners involved. While RouteNote excels at getting your music online quickly, certain delays can occur due to the specific requirements of platforms like iTunes, Spotify, and others. Despite these potential delays, RouteNote’s overall efficiency remains a strong point, helping to pay artists promptly.

When considering RouteNote’s endorsement process, here are some key points:

  • Speed: Most initial submissions are reviewed within 1-2 days.
  • Platform Variation: Different platforms may have unique timelines, causing occasional delays.
  • Efficiency: RouteNote is known for its quick and effective moderation process.

Understanding these aspects can help set your expectations and guarantee a smoother experience when distributing your music online. With RouteNote, you can trust that your music will be reviewed proficiently, getting you one step closer to reaching your audience and getting paid.

Timeframes for Going Live

You can expect your music to go live on platforms like iTunes and Spotify within a few days after the initial moderation process. RouteNote typically completes this moderation process within 1-2 days, guaranteeing a quick start to the distribution timeframes. Once your submission is approved, the music is sent out to various retail partners.

However, the approval process doesn’t stop there. Different platforms have varying distribution timeframes that can impact when your music actually goes live. While RouteNote is efficient in getting your music approved, delays can occur with specific platforms.

For example, some users have reported platform delays with services like Rdio and These delays are usually due to the internal processes of the retail partners and not RouteNote’s procedures.

Despite these potential hiccups, RouteNote remains a reliable option for distributing your music quickly and efficiently. By managing the initial moderation process swiftly, they make certain that your music is on its way to major platforms like iTunes and Spotify within a matter of days. Just be aware that platform-specific delays might extend the total time it takes for your music to be available to listeners.

Platform-Specific Experiences

Diving into platform-specific experiences, you’ll find that RouteNote excels in getting your music live swiftly on popular platforms like Amazon, Groove Music, and Music Unlimited. Users have praised RouteNote’s impressive distribution speed, making it a reliable choice for artists wanting quick access to their audience. However, it’s worth noting that the platform-specific nuances can sometimes pose challenges.

RouteNote’s efficiency shines through in the approval processes for various platforms. While some users experience delays, these are often attributed to platform-specific requirements and incomplete submissions. To guarantee a smoother journey, it’s essential to adhere closely to each platform’s guidelines.

Despite the occasional hiccup, RouteNote maintains a strong track record. However, you might encounter:

  • Delays: Certain platforms may have longer approval times, so patience is necessary.
  • Pricing Issues: Some users have reported inconsistencies in pricing details on specific platforms.
  • Lack of Updates: Keeping track of your submission status can sometimes be challenging due to delays in updates.

Navigating these platform-specific experiences with RouteNote requires a bit of diligence. By staying informed and proactive, you can make the most of their robust distribution network.

User Experience

When you use RouteNote, you’ll find the platform navigation quite straightforward, making it easy to release your music.

However, support response times can vary, leading to some frustration.

Additionally, the upload process could be more efficient, as users have faced delays and errors.

Platform Navigation Ease

Browsing RouteNote’s platform is consistently straightforward, thanks to its user-friendly interface and intuitive design. When you explore music distribution, you’ll find that uploading and managing your music releases is a breeze. The dashboard layout is thoughtfully organized, allowing you to keep track of your music distribution progress and earnings without any hassle.

Here’s what makes RouteNote’s platform navigation so easy:

  • Intuitive Design: The platform’s layout is simple and easy to understand, meaning you won’t waste time figuring out where things are.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Every feature is accessible, making it easy to upload your tracks, select distribution options, and manage your entire music catalog.
  • Efficient Dashboard Layout: The dashboard provides a clear overview of your music’s performance, earnings, and distribution status.

Artists appreciate the seamless experience RouteNote offers. From the moment you log in, it’s clear that the platform was designed with user convenience in mind. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting out, RouteNote makes it easy to focus on your music rather than getting bogged down by complicated processes. With RouteNote, distributing and managing your music isn’t just possible but enjoyable.

Support Response Time

While the platform’s navigation is smooth, RouteNote’s support response time has left many users feeling frustrated and unheard. You’ve probably experienced the same—waiting for days or even weeks for a response to your support ticket.

Many users have reported that RouteNote’s customer service is slow or sometimes non-existent, with complaints about unanswered phone calls and emails piling up.

Communication is a vital part of any service, and RouteNote seems to be lacking in this department. The delayed response time can lead to unresolved issues that strain your relationship with collaborators.

Imagine needing urgent help with a non-payment issue and getting no reply; it’s understandably infuriating. Users have even threatened to give RouteNote negative publicity due to these delays.

The lack of timely responses isn’t just an inconvenience; it can greatly impact your music distribution process. Effective customer service requires prompt communication, something RouteNote needs to improve on.

If you’re looking for quick resolution to issues, this might be a dealbreaker. It’s essential that RouteNote addresses these concerns to maintain a positive user experience and meet industry standards with their customer service.

Upload Process Efficiency

Traversing RouteNote’s upload process, you’ll find it generally straightforward, but occasional delivery errors and incomplete submissions can be frustrating. RouteNote offers an easy-to-follow guide for releasing your music, which simplifies the initial steps. However, users have reported some hiccups along the way that can impact upload process efficiency.

One major issue is the occurrence of delivery errors. These can happen during the upload process and result in incorrect information or pricing on music platforms. Additionally, incomplete submissions are another common hurdle. This can cause delays in approval, making it longer for your songs to go live on various platforms.

Some other concerns include:

  • Delays in approval: Even after you’ve successfully uploaded your music, getting it approved and live can take longer than expected.
  • Communication issues: Users have highlighted difficulties in receiving timely responses, which can prolong problem resolution.
  • Platform discrepancies: Incorrect information or pricing after upload can create additional hassles.

While RouteNote’s upload process is efficient in many respects, these recurring issues can compromise the overall user experience. Addressing these concerns could notably improve the platform’s reliability and user satisfaction.

Distribution Speed

When it comes to distribution speed, you’ll find that RouteNote typically takes 1-2 days for initial moderation.

However, varying moderation timelines with retail partners can cause some delays.

This means your songs might go live on platforms like iTunes and Spotify at different times, impacting your overall release strategy.

Moderation Timeframes

RouteNote’s initial submission moderation process usually takes just 1-2 days, making it one of the quicker options for getting your music reviewed. This efficiency is especially valuable when you’re excited to get your music out to your audience promptly. The streamlined submission process ensures that you don’t have to wait long for your content to be approved and distributed.

RouteNote’s moderation timeframes are designed to be brief and efficient. However, the total distribution speed also depends on the approval timelines of the various retail partners. Once your music gets through RouteNote’s quick 1-2 day review period, it then moves on to the platforms like iTunes, Spotify, Rdio, and Here, the timelines can vary significantly.

Key points to bear in mind include:

  • Moderation timeframes: RouteNote typically completes initial reviews in just 1-2 days.
  • Submission process: After RouteNote’s review, the time it takes for your music to appear on platforms can vary.
  • Distribution speed: The overall speed includes both RouteNote’s review and the platform’s approval timelines.

While RouteNote is commendable for its efficiency, it’s important to bear in mind that platform-specific delays can still impact how quickly your music goes live.

Platform Delays

Despite RouteNote’s prompt initial moderation, users often face delays on platforms like iTunes and Spotify before their music goes live. After RouteNote’s 1-2 day moderation process, the waiting game begins as your music heads to various platforms for approval.

Unfortunately, these delays can vary significantly, causing frustration for many artists excited to share their work. On iTunes and Spotify, the approval process can be particularly unpredictable. Some users have reported waiting weeks for their tracks to appear, despite RouteNote’s efficiency in initial moderation.

Platforms like Rdio and also exhibit similar issues, often contributing to the overall distribution delays. Challenges aren’t limited to just these platforms. Amazon, Groove Music (formerly Xbox Music), and Music Unlimited have also been noted for their slower approval timelines.

These delays can be particularly troublesome when you’re planning a coordinated release across multiple platforms. While RouteNote excels in getting your music through its initial approval quickly, be prepared for potential waiting periods as your tracks navigate the complexities of different platform approvals.

Keeping these challenges in mind can help manage your expectations and plan your release strategy more effectively.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback paints a troubling picture, with a 2.0-star rating based on 16 reviews highlighting widespread dissatisfaction with RouteNote’s service. Many users have expressed frustrations with the company’s poor customer service and communication. Frequently, support tickets remain unresolved, and attempts to reach out via phone calls and emails go unanswered.

Several vital issues stand out:

  • Customer service: Users report a significant decline in the quality of customer service, with many facing unresponsive or unhelpful interactions. This has led to unresolved issues that damage relationships with collaborators.
  • Payment delays: Delays in payment have been a recurring problem, causing significant frustration among users who rely on timely compensation.
  • Communication: The lack of proper communication from RouteNote’s team is a common complaint. Users are often left in the dark about their queries and issues, contributing to a negative experience.

These problems have led some users to threaten negative publicity due to their dissatisfaction. The decline in customer service over time has created a pattern of unresolved issues that continue to undermine trust. If you’re considering RouteNote, it’s essential to be aware of these widespread concerns.


Given the widespread dissatisfaction detailed by users, it’s vital to take into account these recommendations when deciding if RouteNote is the right choice for your music distribution needs.

First, RouteNote offers free distribution with a 15% commission model, which can be a great starting point if you’re budget-conscious. However, user feedback suggests that distribution speed can be slow. If quick release times are essential for you, you might want to compare RouteNote’s timeline with other music distributors.

Consider upgrading to RouteNote’s premium model for higher royalties and additional features like Soundcloud monetization. This can be particularly useful if you have a substantial following on Soundcloud and want to maximize your earnings. Still, assess whether the upgrade justifies the cost by comparing it with other distributors like Amuse.

Another crucial factor is the support team’s responsiveness. Many users have criticized the quality of customer service, so if you foresee needing frequent support, you might find this frustrating. Always review user feedback on support quality and payment reliability as these are common pain points.

Next up, read our complete look at United Masters.

About the author

Submersible Music is a premiere music production house based in the United States. We offer recording, music production, songwriting and mixing and mastering services for musicians and companies around the world.

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